PPSC Education Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) with Answers Past Papers

PPSC Education Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) with Answers Past Papers

Here you can find PPSC Education Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) with Answers. these MCQs have been taken from Past Papers of  FPSC NTS PPSC SPSC KPPSC Exam. you can also download education mcqs in pdf format from this page.

Here are most important and repetitive Education Mcqs with answers

To acquire knowledge or skill is called:
a) Teaching
b) Strategy
c) Learning
d) Method
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On which board students’ work is displayed:
a) Black board
b) Magnetic board
c) Wooden board
d) Bulletin board
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All are characteristics of a learner except one:
a) Activeness
b) Attentiveness
c) Readiness
d) Passiveness
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This method is mostly used in technical and training institutions:
a) Demonstration
b) Simulation
c) Lecture
d) Inquiry
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The other name of the bulletin board is:
a) Black board
b) White board
c) Notice board
d) Pictorial board
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“Epistemology is the study of the nature and applicability of knowledge.” Who said?
a) John Dewey
b) Waller
c) Aristotle
d) Bloom
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Social studies curriculum falls under which pattern of curriculum:
a) Core
b) Hidden
c) Fused
d) Integrated
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It provides guidelines for the selection of contents:
a) Content
b) Teaching method
c) Objectives
d) Evaluation
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To develop good speech habits among learners is a statement that comes under:
a) Aims
b) Goals
c) Objectives
d) Both a & b
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School-wide outcomes may be classified under:
a) Aims
b) Goals
c) Objectives
d) Both a & b
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A statement that is partly general and partly concrete and can be further broken down into constituent parts belongs to:
a) Aims
b) Goals
c) Objectives
d) None of the above
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The most accurate representation of the earth is called:
a) Model
b) Globe
c) Diagram
d) Specimen
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Indirect and symbolic representation of ideas are called:
a) Charts
b) Maps
c) Posters
d) Models
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A symbolic presentation of the surface of the earth or any particular section of it is called:
a) Maps
b) Globe
c) Diagram
d) Picture
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All are visual aids except one:
a) Flannel board
b) Charts
c) Models
d) Radio
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All are input devices except one:
a) Printer
b) Mouse
c) Key board
d) Digital camera
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The word “technology” is originated from “teachnilaos” which is a:
a) Latin word
b) Greek word
c) English word
d) German word
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PowerPoint is used to prepare:
a) Documents
b) Presentations
c) Files
d) Worksheets
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Television is classified under:
a) Display boards
b) Activity boards
c) 3-dimensional aids
d) A.V. Aids
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Graphic aids are effectively used at the elementary level as:
a) Cartoons
b) Slides
c) Activity Aids
d) Flash cards
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Experimentation is a type of:
a) Demonstration
b) Display aids
c) Instructional aids
d) None of the above
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Example of an Operating system is:
a) MS-Word
b) MS-Excel
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Peg boards are used for:
a) Pasting
b) Promoting
c) Displaying
d) Advertising
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Maps and Globes come under the category of:
a) Projected aids
b) Graphic aids
c) Activity aids
d) A.V. aids
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Instructional technology is useful in promoting:
a) A.V. Aids
b) Teaching
c) Curriculum
d) Instruction
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All aids are visual aids except one:
a) Language laboratory
b) Charts
c) Flannel board
d) Maps
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Basic Objective of education is:

a) Personal satisfaction
b) Search job
c) Change in behaviour
d) Reading
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Curriculum implementation is a part of:
a) Scope of curriculum
b) Nature of curriculum
c) Force of curriculum
d) Process of curriculum
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Study of learner and learning theories are concerned with:
a) Philosophy
b) Psychology
c) Sociology
d) Ideology
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A brief description of the main points of a course is called:
a) Course
b) Syllabus
c) Curriculum
d) Programme
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Which is not directly related to school:
a) Aim
b) Goal
c) Objectives
d) Activity
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Overall direction and guidance to education comes under:
a) Textbook Board
b) School
c) Society
d) Evaluation
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Basic Objective of education is:
a) personal satisfaction
b) search job
c) change in behavior
d) reading
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Curriculum implementation is a part of:
a) Scope of curriculum
b) Nature of curriculum
c) Force of curriculum
d) Process of curriculum
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Study of learner and learning theories are concerned with:
a) Philosophy
b) Psychology
c) Sociology
d) Ideology
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A brief description of the main points of a course is called:
a) Course
b) Syllabus
c) Curriculum
d) Programme
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Which is not directly related to school:
a) Aim
b) Goal
c) Objectives
d) Activity
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“Epistemology is the study of nature and applicability of knowledge” who said?
a) John Dewey
b) Waller
c) Aristotle
d) Bloom
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Social studies curriculum falls under which pattern of curriculum:
a) Core
b) Hidden
c) Fused
d) Integrated
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It provides guideline for selection of contents:
a) Content
b) Teaching method
c) Objectives
d) Evaluation
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To develop good speech habits among learners is a statement that comes under:
a) Aims
b) Goals
c) Objectives
d) Both a & b
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The attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in an organization are managed through:
(a) Organization theory
(b) Organization Behavior
(c) Organizational culture
(d) All of the above
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The documents/Register pertaining to demographic record of students is called?
(a) Attendance Register
(b) Register admission and withdrawal
(c) Progress report
(d) Daily rozmnamcha/Register
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The new system of examination adopted at elementary level is called:
(a) Internal system
(b) External System
(c) Solo Taxonomy
(d) Bloom’s Taxonomy
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An employee of the Education Department was arrested by police in some murder case; what will you do as an authority?
(a) Removal from service of employee
(b) Suspension of employee
(c) No action till the final decision of his case by court
(d) Shift his lien to some other school
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Inter-District Transfer of a teacher (BS-16) will be ordered by:
(a) District Co-ordination officer
(b) Secretary School Education
(c) EDO concerned
(d) D.P.I. (SE)
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A school Headmaster prefers consultation with fellow teachers in school activities; he is practicing:
(a) Democratic Leadership
(b) Participative Leadership
(c) Situational Leader
(d) None of the above
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The generalizability of the results of a study is most directly dependent on:
(a) Methods of statistical analysis
(b) Types and size of the population
(c) Purpose of the study
(d) Experience of the investigator
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Which of the following is not characteristic of a good researcher?
(a) Neutral
(b) Honest
(c) Philosopher
(d) Expert
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The section of the research plan that describes sampling design and data collection procedures is called:
(a) Introduction
(b) Methods
(c) Data analysis
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A research should contain:
(a) Subjective statement
(b) Overstatements
(c) Emotional statements
(d) Time schedule
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Variables such as gender, ethnicity, or political affiliation will be measured on:
(a) Interval scale
(b) Ratio scale
(c) Categorical
(d) Ordinal scale
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When selecting a test for use in a study, a researcher should consider:
(a) Validity
(b) Reliability
(c) Ease of use
(d) All of these
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Sampling is used in a research project to:
(a) Purify data
(b) Save time
(c) Get detailed information
(d) Both b and c
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An essential research device that permits the researcher to reach probability conclusions is:
(a) Sampling
(b) Average
(c) Variance
(d) Standard deviation
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An exam is given to 40 students; 35 of the total students respond correctly to an item. The difficulty index for the item is:
(a) 1.00
(b) 0.40
(c) 0.87
(d) 0.88
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From a measurement standpoint, using a classroom test consisting entirely of essay items is undesirable because:
(a) Content sampling tends to be limited
(b) Scoring requires too much time
(c) Subjectivity in scoring tends to be high
(d) All of the above
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When can item analysis be done?
(a) Before the test is given
(b) While the test is being given
(c) After the test has been scored
(d) All of the above
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What characteristic distinguishes evaluation from measurement?
(a) Evaluation requires qualification
(b) Evaluation involves a value judgment
(c) Evaluation includes assessment
(d) All of the above
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Norms-referenced interpretations of test results are directed to:
(a) Discriminating among individuals
(b) Discriminating among groups
(c) Discriminating among programs
(d) Discriminating between a program and standard
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Mental health of a teacher affects:
(a) Students’ behavior
(b) Students’ learning
(c) Group guidance
(d) Students’ abilities
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Group life is like:

(a) Two-way traffic
(b) Group gang
(c) Group guidance
(d) One-way traffic
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Maulana Shibli Naumani was in favor of:
(a) Dars-e-Nizami
(b) Dars-e-Hadith
(c) Dars-e-Quran
(d) Dars-e-Islam
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Youth problems can occur in the age of:
(a) Childhood
(b) Adulthood
(c) Immaturity
(d) Maturity
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The M.A.O College Aligarh was elevated in the Muslim University in:
(a) 1919
(b) 1920
(c) 1921
(d) Jamaia Millia Islamia
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Complete internal autonomy was the great quality of:
(a) Aligarh Movement
(b) Deoband Movement
(c) Nadwa Movement
(d) Jamia Millia Islamia
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The undesirable religious innovations are named as:
(a) Secularism
(b) Bid’ahs
(c) Handicapped
(d) Mentally retarded
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In Punjab, the office D.P.I was established in:
(a) 1861
(b) 1863
(c) 1860
(d) 1862
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Intellectually exceptional children are called:
(a) Gifted
(b) Disabled
(c) Work
(d) Ethics
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