NTS Educator Jobs 2024 Computer Science Solved MCQS with Answers


Information technology is the generic name performing the following functions:
a) Data storage
b) Data retrieval
c) Data communication
d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

Information technology is widely used in—
a) Telemedicine’s
b) Geographic system
c) Banks
d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

The difference between data and information is—
a) Data is processed as per certain rules or policies, and the resultant information is called
b) Information obtained at certain level may serve as a raw data for further information at other level
c) Data and information move in a vicious circle
d) All of the above representing differences the
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Which of the following is NOT an ingredient of ‘MS Office’?
a) MS Word
b) MS Excel
c) MS Power Point
d) MS Super Power
Answer: View Answerd) MS Super Power

Normative value of information refers—
a) The value obtained by theoretical procedures of decision-making
b) The value obtained by taking the behavioural dimensions consideration under
c) The value obtained by using the initiative
d) None of the above
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The value obtained by theoretical procedures of decision-making

The need requirement for information in an enterprise is due to—
a) Opportunities before the organization and formalizing the short term/long term policy for the growth of the organization
b) Resource allocation in an optimal way in order to attain the basic goals of an organization
c) Adjusting with new and rapid changes due to technological advancement and opening new vistas for overall progress
d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

Aim of information-communication technology is—
a) To process, store and retrieve the data
b) To create cyber space age in present time
c) To disseminate the programmes of apex bodies
d) All of the above
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a) To process, store and retrieve the data

Information technology is the generic name performing the following functions:
(a) Data storage
(b) Data retrieval
(c) Data communication
(d) All of the above
Answer: View Answer

d) All of the above

Information technology is widely used in—
(a) Telemedicines
(b) Geographic system
(c) Banks
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

The difference between data and information is—
(a) Data is processed as per certain rules or policies, and the resultant information is called
(b) Information obtained at certain level may serve as a raw data for further information at other level
(c) Data and information move in a vicious circle
(d) All of the above representing differences
Answer: View Answer

Data is processed as per certain rules or policies, and the resultant information is called
Which of the following is NOT an ingredient of ‘MS Office’?
(a) MS Word
(b) MS Excel
(c) MS Power Point
(d) MS Super Power
Answer: View Answer
d) MS Super Power

Normative value of information refers—
(a) The value obtained by theoretical procedures of decision-making
(b) The value obtained by taking the behavioural dimensions consideration under
(c) The value obtained by using the initiative
(d) None of the above
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The value obtained by theoretical procedures of decision-making
The need requirement for information in an enterprise is due to—
(a) Opportunities before the organization and formalizing the short term/long term policy for the growth of the organization
(b) Resource allocation in an optimal way in order to attain the basic goals of an organization
(c) Adjusting with new and rapid changes due to technological advancement and opening new vistas for overall progress
(d) All of the above
Answer: View Answer
d) All of the above

Aim of information-communication technology is—
(a) To process, store and retrieve the data
(b) To create cyber space age in present time
(c) To disseminate the programmes of apex bodies
(d) All of the above
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a) To process, store and retrieve the data

The importance of information-communication technology is—
(a) As an excellent tool for making learning processes more comprehensible
(b) Making educational content more comprehensible and simple
(c) Playing a central role in the field of distance education
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above
Application of information-communication technology is—
(a) To determine the objectives of the appropriate content
(b) To select an appropriate communication technology
(c) To organize the techniques properly
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

Basic application of information-communication technology in education is—
(a) In relation to active participation
(b) In relation to sharing of information
(c) In relation to development of the teachers
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

The first general purpose digital computer was called—
(a) ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)
(b) UNIVAC-1
(c) Mark-1
(d) None of the above
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a) ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)

The second generation computers consist of—
(a) IBM-1401
(b) Honey Bell-800
(c) IBM-1620
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

The third generation computers are characterized by—
(a) Vacuum tubes
(b) Transistors
(c) Integrated circuits
(d) Microprocessors
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d) Microprocessors

CPU in a computer is called—
(a) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
(b) Controlling Unit
(c) Central Public Unit
(d) Computer Processing Unit
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a) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

RAM stands for—
(a) Random Access Memory
(b) Reading Aid Memory
(c) Reading And Memory
(d) None of the above
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a) Random Access Memory

Auxiliary storage devices include—
(a) Magnetic tapes
(b) Magnetic drums
(c) Hard disk
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

The term DVD represents—
(a) Digital Versatile Disk
(b) Digital Video Disk
(c) Digital Visual Disk
(d) None of the above
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a) Digital Versatile Disk

The need of information and communication technology in education is—
(a) To satisfy the growing demand of education
(b) To make educational material more comprehensible and interesting, and to form a knowledgeable society
(c) To give support to various mediums of instruction
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

The first step of preparing a multimedia kit is—
(a) To determine the objectives
(b) To select the content and its appropriate communication techniques
(c) To follow the instructions to apply the above techniques
(d) All of the above
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To select the content and its appropriate communication techniques

The role of information and communication technology in education is—
(a) To give face-to-face counselling through telephone
(b) To use audio-visual cassettes in counselling
(c) To give counselling
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

The present age is called the age of information revolution, therefore, the information are treated as—
(a) Commodity
(b) Article of economic development
(c) Article of national progress and development
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

The computer cannot perform any job without—
(a) Chip
(b) Programme
(c) Memory
(d) Output device
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b) Programme

The term computer is generally used for CPU and—
(a) External memory
(b) Internal memory
(c) Input device
(d) Output device
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a) External memory

The Control Unit in a digital computer is called—
(a) Clock
(b) ICs
(c) Nerve center
(d) All the above
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c) Nerve center

The group of instructions which directs the computer, is called—
(a) Storage
(b) Logic
(c) Memory
(d) Programme
Answer: View Answer

d) Programme

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