ppsc past papers with answers pdf Headmaster

ppsc past papers with answers pdf Headmaster

Here you can find the comprehensive ppsc past papers with answers  set of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed for PPSC and NTS Past Paper that comes in Headmaster exams, with accurate answers.
it Covers various subject like educational administration, supervision, management, and budgeting and are important for headmasters exams. Test your knowledge and prepare effectively with these MCQs to succeed in PPSC Headmaster examination Here is complete solutions for ppsc past papers for educators pdf

1.The main purpose of the supervision of teaching should be:
(a) Advancement of pupil welfare
(b) Proper utilization of school facilities
(c) Carrying out of the curriculum
(d) Achievement of success in examination

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2.Supervision should be primarily:
(a) Preventive and critical
(b) Preventive and corrective
(c) Constructive and creative
(d) Construction and critical

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3.The basic purpose of supervision is to help:
(a) Teachers in improving methods
(b) Teachers in understanding pupils
(c) Teachers in dealing with pupils
(d) Children learn more effectively

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4.The elementary school teachers are directly responsible to:
(a) Headmaster
(b) DEO
(c) Parents
(d) Students

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5.The criticism most frequently leveled at school administrators is that:
(a) They like praise
(b) They are too lazy
(c) They fail to provide leadership
(d) They do not know teachers

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6.The school headmasters are expected to:
(a) Put into operation the course of study
(b) Hold daily meetings
(c) Prepare the budget
(d) All of the above

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7. A supervisor is one who:
(a) Provides friendly help
(b) Inspects classrooms
(c) Gives directions
(d) Criticizes the teaching method

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8. The effective supervision is indicated by:
(a) Good relations between teacher and supervisors
(b) Helping teachers in their teaching
(c) Helping teachers becoming more self-sufficient
(d) Criticizing teachers’ lessons

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9.The school policy should be determined by:
(a) The professional educators
(b) Headmasters
(c) Citizens
(d) Citizens and educators

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10. The chief responsibility of the principal is:
(a) Organize and administer the guidance programme
(b) Provide leadership in instructional plan
(c) Maintain school records
(d) Handle discipline problems

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11. Indication of democratic attitude is:
(a) Equal rights
(b) Participation
(c) Cooperation
(d) All of the above

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12. The history of administration goes back to:
(a) 3000 BC
(b) 4000 BC
(c) 5000 BC
(d) 6000 BC

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13. Administration means:
(a) To look after
(b) To protect
(c) To run
(d) To establish

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14. The function of educational administration and management is:
(a) Instructional tasks
(b) Non-instructional tasks
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of a & b

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15. Provision of good educational environment is:
(a) Instructional tasks
(b) Non-instructional tasks
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of a & b

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16. Arrangement of physical resources is:
(a) Instructional tasks
(b) Non-instructional tasks
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of a & b

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17. The main types of administration are:
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

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18. Which is not the type of administration:
(a) Instructional administration
(b) Authoritarian administration
(c) Democratic administration
(d) Laissez-faire administration

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19. Which is not the characteristic of authoritative administration:
(a) Rudeness
(b) Suppressing the subordinates
(c) Strict discipline
(d) Sharing

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20. Authoritative administration is based on:
(a) Dictatorship
(b) Mutual sharing
(c) Non-interference
(d) None of the above

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21. Democratic administration is based on:
(a) Dictatorship
(b) Mutual sharing
(c) Non-interference
(d) None of the above

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22. Laissez-faire administration is based on:
(a) Dictatorship
(b) Mutual sharing
(c) Non-interference
(d) None of the above

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23. “Boss is right” is the feature of:
(a) Authoritative administration
(b) Democratic administration
(c) Laissez-faire administration
(d) All of the above

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24. Respect of opinion is the feature of:
(a) Authoritative administration
(b) Democratic administration
(c) Laissez-faire administration
(d) All of the above

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25. In “POSDCORB” CO stands for:
(a) Cooperation
(b) Collection
(c) Coordinating
(d) Correlation

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26. To make arrangements is part of:
(a) Planning
(b) Organizing
(c) Commanding
(d) Coordinating

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27. Execution of plans and decisions is part of:
(a) Planning
(b) Organizing
(c) Commanding
(d) Coordinating

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28. To bring harmony among all the elements of the program is:
(a) Planning
(b) Organizing
(c) Commanding
(d) Coordinating

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29. School Budget includes:
(a) Development expenditure
(b) Non-development expenditure
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of a & b

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30. BM stands for:
(a) Budget Money
(b) Budget Monitoring
(c) Budget Materials
(d) Budget Manual

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31. Non-development budget includes:
(a) Salaries
(b) Running expenditures
(c) Maintenance of building
(d) All of the above

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32. New libraries, laboratories, etc. are constructed under:
(a) Development Budget
(b) Non-development budget
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of a & b

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33. How funds in a given period will be obtained and spent is:
(a) Allocation
(b) Expenditure
(c) Budget
(d) Receipt

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34. ACR means:
(a) Annual confidential report
(b) All correct responses
(c) Annual correct report
(d) Annual confidential result

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35. Type of supervision encouraging variety, originality, and independent experimentation is:
(a) Preventive
(b) Corrective
(c) Constructive
(d) Creative

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36. Who advocated bureaucratic theory?
(a) Campbell
(b) Herzberg
(c) Max Weber
(d) Henry Fayol

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37. Directing must be consistent with:
(a) Organizational policies
(b) Procedures
(c) Job descriptions
(d) All of the above

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38. In case of new recruitment, the probation period is:
(a) 03 years
(b) 02 years
(c) 01 year
(d) 06 months

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39. The power delegated throughout an organization is:
(a) Control
(b) Command
(c) Centralization
(d) Decentralization

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40. The father of modern theory of management is:
(a) Tyler
(b) Henry Fayol
(c) Gullick Weber
(d) Decentralization

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41. The period of study leave for the Degree of Doctorate is:
(a) One year
(b) Two years
(c) Three years
(d) Four years

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42. The budget in which grants for new construction are demanded is:
(a) Annual Budget
(b) Development Budget
(c) Non-development Budget
(d) Supplementary Budget

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43. The budget in which salaries of employees are demanded is:
(a) Annual Budget
(b) Development Budget
(c) Non-development Budget
(d) Supplementary Budget

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44. The source of income of school is:
(a) Govt. Grants
(b) Funds
(c) Donations
(d) All above

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45. Funds of schools are received from:
(a) Govt.
(b) Teachers
(c) Students
(d) Donation

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46. The use of funds received from students is:
(a) Deposited in Govt. treasure
(b) Spent on students only
(c) Spent on institution only
(d) Spent on students and institution

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47. Tuition fee is received from:
(a) Primary school students
(b) Elementary school students
(c) High School Students
(d) None of above

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