PPSC Educational Psychology Past Paper Solved MCQS with Answers

PPSC Education Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) with Answers Past Papers

Welcome to our comprehensive multiple-choice questions (MCQs) series on Educational Psychology. This series consist of  MCQs that are  designed to help students, educators, and professionals to prepare PPSC Exams

All questions are very important and covers a wide range of topics including cognitive development theories, learning theories, motivation, and psychological development and are selected from past papers of PPSC that Comes in Education and Head Master Exam.

Every question provide Good Knowledge designed for prepare PPSC Exam with Answers that provided in an expandable format to help you learn and assess your knowledge effectively.

Educational Psychology & Guidance

Period starting from 2-7 years in cognitive development is:
(a) Sensori motor stage
(b) Pre operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
Answer: View Answer

b) Pre operational stage

Period starting from 7-12 years in cognitive development is:
(a) Sensori motor stage
(b) Pre operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
Answer: View Answer

c) Concrete operational stage

Period from 12 years and onward in cognitive development is:
(a) Sensori motor stage
(b) Pre operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
Answer: View Answer

d) Formal operational stage

Child forgets the things out of sight in:
(a) Sensori motor stage
(b) Pre operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
Answer: View Answer

a) Sensori motor stage

Child describes himself unsystematically in:
(a) Sensori motor stage
(b) Pre operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
Answer: View Answer

b) Pre operational stage

Which one is not positive reinforcement:
(a) Advance increment
(b) Best Teacher Award
(c) Punishment
(d) Encouragement
Answer: View Answer

c) Punishment

Concept of Meaningful learning through perception was presented by:
(a) David Ausubel
(b) J. S. Bruner
(c) Pavlof
(d) Skinner
Answer: View Answer

a) David Ausubel

Concept of meaningful learning through structure of content and discovery was presented by:
(a) David Ausubel
(b) J. S. Bruner
(c) Pavlof
(d) Skinner
Answer: View Answer

b) J. S. Bruner

The founder of Humanistic Approach is:
(a) David Ausubel
(b) J. S. Bruner
(c) Skinner
(d) Maslow
Answer: View Answer

d) Maslow

According to humanistic approach, nature of man is:
(a) Good
(b) Creative
(c) Capable of healthy growth
(d) All above
Answer: View Answer

d) All above

The founder of client centred therapy was:
(a) David Ausuble
(b) Carl Roger
(c) Gordon
(d) J. S. Bruner
Answer: View Answer

b) Carl Roger

According to Roger, in problem solving the most important is:
(a) Counsellor
(b) Client
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of a & b
Answer: View Answer

b) Client

Who did discriminate the personality characteristics / traits:
(a) Maslow
(b) Roger
(c) Gordon
(d) Skinner
Answer: View Answer

c) Gordon

“Out of sight, out of mind” is the characteristics of:
(a) Sensory motor stage
(b) Pre-operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
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a) Sensory motor stage

In cognitive domain infancy is the stage of:
(a) Sensory motor stage
(b) Pre-operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
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a) Sensory motor stage

In the cognitive domain, early childhood is:
(a) Sensory motor stage
(b) Pre-operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
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b) Pre-operational stage

In cognitive development, late childhood is:
(a) Sensory motor stage
(b) Pre-operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
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c) Concrete operational stage

In cognitive development, adolescence is beginning of:
(a) Sensory motor stage
(b) Pre-operational stage
(c) Concrete operational stage
(d) Formal operational stage
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d) Formal operational stage

The characteristic of sensory motor stage is:
(a) Evidence of thinking ability
(b) Curiosity to know environment
(c) Ability of differentiate things
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

Educational Psychology & Guidance

Face to face relationship in which one tries to solve the problem of the other is called:
(a) Guidance
(b) Counselling
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of a and b
Answer: View Answer

b) Counselling

Psychology is the study of:
(a) Environment
(b) Human Behaviour
(c) Inheritance
(d) Reasoning
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b) Human Behaviour

Age of pre-operational stage in Piagetian cognitive development theory is:
(a) From 2 to 7 years
(b) From 7 to 11 years
(c) From birth to 2 years
(d) From 11 years to adolescence
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a) From 2 to 7 years

Psychoanalysis, a school of thought in psychology, was introduced by:
(a) Jung
(b) Freud
(c) Wundt
(d) Watson
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b) Freud

The I.Q. of gifted children is:
(a) From 110 to 120
(b) From 120 to 130
(c) From 130 to 139
(d) 140 and above
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d) 140 and above

Cognitive learning theory is known as:
(a) Connectionism theory
(b) Social learning theory
(c) Information processing theory
(d) Association theory
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c) Information processing theory

Laws of learning were founded by:
(a) Thorndike
(b) Skinner
(c) Watson
(d) Pavlov
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a) Thorndike

Model of eight types of learning was designed by:
(a) Ivon Pavlov
(b) Gagne
(c) Bruner
(d) None of these
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b) Gagne

The process of adaptation in Piagetian cognitive development theory is:
(a) Assimilation and Recognition
(b) Accommodation and Recognition
(c) Assimilation and Accommodation
(d) Accommodation and Interpretation
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c) Assimilation and Accommodation

The process of helping an individual make life adjustments at home, school, and other phases of life is called:
(a) Counseling
(b) Advice
(c) Guidance
(d) Aid
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c) Guidance

Hierarchy of needs was presented by:
(a) Maslow
(b) Gardner
(c) Skinner
(d) Piaget
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a) Maslow

At which stage of cognitive development (Piagetian) does the child develop object permanence:
(a) Sensor-motor
(b) Pre-Operational
(c) Concrete-Operational
(d) Formal Operational
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a) Sensor-motor

The pioneer of identifying individual differences was:
(a) Asubel
(b) Francis Galton
(c) Watson
(d) Skinner
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b) Francis Galton

The learning method associated with observing the behavior of others is called:
(a) Learning by Trial and Error
(b) Learning by Imitation
(c) Learning by Insight
(d) Learning by Conditioning
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b) Learning by Imitation

The word “emotion” is derived from the Latin word:
(a) Motion
(b) Move
(c) Emovere
(d) Motivation
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c) Emovere

“Emovere” means:
(a) Stir up
(b) To excite
(c) To agitate
(d) All above
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d) All above

The word “moral” is derived from the Latin word:
(a) Mos
(b) More
(c) Motion
(d) Move
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a) Mos

“Mos” means:
(a) Manner
(b) Custom
(c) Habit
(d) All of the above
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d) All of the above

The theory of psychosocial development was presented by:
(a) Jean Piaget
(b) Erikson
(c) Lawrence Kholberg
(d) Reasoning
Answer: View Answer

b) Erikson

Theory of moral development was presented by:
(a) Jean Piaget
(b) Erikson
(c) Lawrence Kholberg
(d) Reasoning
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c) Lawrence Kholberg

Hierarchy of needs was presented by:
(a) Skinner
(b) Bruner
(c) Ausubel
(d) Maslow
Answer: View Answer

d) Maslow

Concept of discovery learning was given by:
(a) Skinner
(b) Bruner
(c) Ausubel
(d) Maslow
Answer: View Answer

b) Bruner

Alfred Binet worked on:
(a) Achievement tests
(b) Intelligence tests
(c) Aptitude tests
(d) Personality tests
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b) Intelligence tests

A person aged 7 years with a mental age of 8 years would be placed in I.Q. distribution table as:
(a) Genius
(b) Superior
(c) Average
(d) Mentally deficient
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b) Superior

The complex answer to the question “Who am I?” is:
(a) Industry
(b) Integrity
(c) Identity
(d) Initiative
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c) Identity

Eagerness to engage in productive work is:
(a) Industry
(b) Integrity
(c) Identity
(d) Initiative
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a) Industry

Willingness to begin new activities and explore new directions is:
(a) Industry
(b) Generativity
(c) Identity
(d) Initiative
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d) Initiative

Sense of self-acceptance and fulfillment is:
(a) Generativity
(b) Identity
(c) Integrity
(d) Industry
Answer: View Answer

c) Integrity

A technique that involves changing the level of support for learning is:
(a) Zone of maturation
(b) Zone of proximal development
(c) Action zone
(d) Scaffolding
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d) Scaffolding

The value that one places on one’s characteristics, abilities, or behaviors is:
(a) Self-esteem
(b) Self-actualization
(c) Self-determination
(d) Self-efficacy
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a) Self-esteem

Learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response is:
(a) Classical conditioning
(b) Operant conditioning
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of a and b
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a) Classical conditioning

Approach to motivation that emphasizes personal freedom, choice, self-determination, and striving for personal growth is:
(a) Humanistic
(b) Cognitive
(c) Social
(d) Social cognitive
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a) Humanistic

Motivation associated with activities that are their own reward is:
(a) Intrinsic motivation
(b) Extrinsic motivation
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of a and b
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a) Intrinsic motivation

Area of classroom where the greatest amount of interaction takes place is:
(a) Content area
(b) Passive area
(c) Zone of proximal development
(d) Action zone
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d) Action zone

Approach of psychology that focuses on the analysis of components of consciousness is:
(a) Structuralism
(b) Functionalism
(c) Behaviourism
(d) Psychoanalysis
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a) Structuralism

According to William James, understanding activities of the mind for adjustment to the environment is more important than the composition:
(a) Structuralism
(b) Functionalism
(c) Behaviourism
(d) Psychoanalysis
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b) Functionalism

School of thought that focuses its attention on observable and measurable aspects is:
(a) Structuralism
(b) Functionalism
(c) Behaviourism
(d) Transpersonal Psychology
Answer: View Answer

c) Behaviourism

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