PPSC Past Papers Introduction to Education Solved MCQS with Answers

PPSC Past Papers Introduction to Education Solved MCQS with Answers

Eclecticism means borrowing beliefs from:
a) One philosophy
b) Two philosophies
c) Three philosophies
d) Different philosophies
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“Everlasting reality” is focused in:
a) Perennialism
b) Essentialism
c) Progressivism
d) Reconstructionism
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“Useful culture and skill” is emphasized in:
a) Perennialism
b) Essentialism
c) Progressivism
d) Reconstructionism
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“Life is a continuous changing process” is the base of:
a) Perennialism
b) Essentialism
c) Progressivism
d) Reconstructionism
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“Reforms are necessary in all walks of life” is focused in:
a) Perennialism
b) Essentialism
c) Progressivism
d) Reconstructionism
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Study of great books is at the core of:
a) Perennialism
b) Essentialism
c) Progressivism
d) Reconstructionism
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Who is not among major exponents of perennialism:
a) Bentock
b) Adler
c) Hutchins
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School should be run on democratic lines is held by:
a) Perennialism
b) Essentialism
c) Progressivism
d) Reconstructionism
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Essentialist philosophy of education is:
a) Content and teacher-centered
b) Child-centered
c) Need-centered
d) Society-centered
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“Education is life itself, not a preparation for life”, according to:
a) Perennialism
b) Essentialism
c) Progressivism
d) Reconstructionism
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According to which philosophy, “Permanence is more real than change”:
a) Perennialism
b) Essentialism
c) Progressivism
d) Reconstructionism
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Perennialism is an educational philosophy of:
a) New values
b) Old values
c) Future values
d) Old and new values
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The objective of education comes from:
a) Philosophy
b) Psychology
c) Curriculum
d) Sociology
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Sociological aims of education include:
a) Cultural growth
b) Skills
c) Dutifulness
d) All above
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The application of philosophy in education may be:
a) Selection of contents
b) Selection of methods
c) Selection of objectives
d) Selection of evaluation procedures
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The first head of the Deoband was:
a) Maulana Shah Wali-ullah
b) Maulana M. Yaqub Nanautwi
c) Maulana Mehmood ul Hassan
d) Shabir Ahmad Usmani
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The Deoband academy was totally:
a) Personal
b) Government
c) Non-government
d) Semi-government
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The Deoband movement used curriculum revision as:
a) Motive
b) Need
c) Agreement
d) Improvement
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The Ulma of Deoband played a vital role in:
a) Spreading English culture
b) Struggle for independence
c) Awarding scholarships
d) Science education
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The Deoband was established in:
a) 1857
b) 1867
c) 1885
d) 1906
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The salient feature of the Deoband movement was:
a) English system of education
b) Proliferation of science
c) Revival of religious spirit
d) Literature
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The Deoband movement ignored:
a) Science
b) Philosophy
c) Logic
d) Religion
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Which one was not among the purposes of the Aligarh movement:
a) To reduce hatred of the British
b) To propose Muslims to learn English
c) To prepare Muslims to learn science
d) To prepare Muslims against Hindus
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Jamia Millia Islamia was established in:
a) 1900
b) 1920
c) 1930
d) 1940
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Jamia Millia Islamia was established by:
a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
b) Moulana Shoukat Ali Johar
c) Moulana M. Ali Johar
d) Hakeem Ajmal Khan
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In Jamia Millia, the medium of instruction was:
a) English
b) Arabic
c) Persian
d) Urdu
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In Jamia Millia, the translation of the Holy Quran was taught as:
a) Stage 1
b) Stage 2
c) Stage 3
d) Stage 4
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Jamia Millia could not become popular among Muslims due to its opposition to:
a) Hindus
b) British
c) Two nation theory
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Jamia Millia emphasized on:
a) Religious education
b) Science education
c) Both a and b
d) None of a and b
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Education conference 1947 was held in:
a) Lahore
b) Karachi
c) Peshawar
d) Quetta
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Education conference 1947 was presided by:
a) Quaid-e-Azam
b) Liaqat Ali Khan
c) Fazal-ur-Rehman
d) Abdul Rub Nishtar
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Objectives of education under the education conference 1947 were:
a) Conformity with ideology of life
b) Economic development
c) Character formation
d) All above
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According to the recommendations of the Indian Education Commission, the government took the responsibility of:
a) Primary education
b) Secondary education
c) Religious education
d) Higher education
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The National Education Commission 1959 was established under the headship of:
a) Fazal ur Rehman
b) S. M. Sharif
c) Liaqat Ali Khan
d) Abdul Rub Nishtar
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Open University was established under the policy:
a) 1959
b) 1970
c) 1972
d) 1978
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The focus of the national education policy 1978 was on:
a) Islamic values
b) Ideology of Pakistan
c) Both a and b
d) None of a and b
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Charter Act was presented in:
a) 1800
b) 1806
c) 1813
d) 1820
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According to the Charter Act 1813, education is the responsibility of:
a) Governor
b) East India Company
c) Madras
d) Local government
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The amount set apart by East India Company for educational purposes will be Rs.:
a) 50,000
b) 100,000
c) 150,000
d) 200,000
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The objective of education according to the Charter Act was:
a) Islamic education
b) Technical education
c) Preaching Christianity
d) Preaching Hinduism
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The medium of instruction for the promotion of scientific knowledge according to the Charter Act will be:
a) Urdu
b) Hindi
c) Sanskrit
d) English
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Under Wood Dispatch in 1857, three universities established were:
a) Bombay, Calcutta, Lahore
b) Madras, Calcutta, Lahore
c) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras
d) Bombay, Lahore, Madras
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Punjab University was established in:
a) 1880
b) 1887
c) 1890
d) 1906
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The Indian Education Commission was established in:
a) 1882
b) 1887
c) 1890
d) 1892
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The Indian Education Commission was established under the headship of:
a) Sir Charles Wood
b) Lord Macaulay
c) Sir Thomas
d) Sir William Hunter
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