One should select a career in terms of:
(a) Values
(b) Salary
(c) Social prestige
(d) None of the above
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a) Values

The reason most often given by men for selecting teaching profession is:
(a) Economies security
(b) Desire to serve society
(c) The influence of parents
(d) Prestige of the profession
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a) Economy security

As a group, teachers tend to be relatively:
(a) Liberal
(b) Conservative
(c) Unstable
(d) Pessimistic
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a) Liberal

The most important single factor in teaching success is:
(a) Pupils preparation
(b) Teachers personality
(c) Size of classes
(d) Teachers knowledge
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d) Teachers knowledge

Vital to teaching success is:
(a) Pleasant voice and correct speech
(b) Proper social background
(c) Throughout A grade
(d) Supplementary income
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b) Proper social background

The most serious defect in teacher is:
(a) Poor physical health
(b) Poor knowledge
(c) Poor academic record
(d) Poor mental health
Answer: View Answer

d) Poor mental health

The relationship of teacher with students should be:
(a) Strict and reserved
(b) Friendly and dignified
(c) Free and easy
(d) Unapproachable and critical
Answer: View Answer

b) Friendly and dignified

The most important element in the instructions is the:
(a) Variety of instruction material used
(b) Teaching techniques used
(c) Subject matter covered
(d) Relationship between teacher and student
Answer: View Answer

b) Teaching techniques used

Television is a device, which is:
(a) Audio
(b) Visual
(c) Audio-visual
(d) Graphic
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c) Audio-visual

Good teaching requires:
(a) Clarity of expression
(b) Good communication skills
(c) Command of the subject
(d) All of the above
Answer: View Answer

d) All of the above

Education can be defined best as:
(a) Preparation for life
(b) Acquiring knowledge
(c) Learning
(d) Growth resulting from experience
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d) Growth resulting from experience

According to ‘John Dewey’, education is:
(a) Learning to do by doing
(b) Preparation for life
(c) Getting to do things
(d) Getting knowledge
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a) Learning to do by doing

The basic source of educational objectives is:
(a) Professional organization
(b) Human experiences
(c) Educational psychology
(d) State legislatures
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b) Human experiences

Physical health is necessary to build a balanced:
(a) Personality
(b) Structure
(c) Height
(d) Image
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a) Personality

Which of the following professions claims the largest membership:
(a) Teaching
(b) Medicine
(c) Law
(d) Engineering
Answer: View Answer

a) Teaching

The teaching professional should also be expert in:
(a) Administration
(b) Teaching
(c) Playing
(d) Social contact
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b) Teaching

A teacher’s first duty is to his:
(a) Community
(b) Principal
(c) Subject area
(d) Students
Answer: View Answer

d) Students

As teacher we should think of our work in terms of:
(a) The mastery of subject matter
(b) Hearing lessons recited
(c) Child growth and development
(d) Disciplining students
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c) Child growth and development

The function of a teacher is primarily that of a:
(a) Attending to the personal and spiritual needs of students
(b) Guiding the children progress
(c) Organizing experiences for the class
(d) Transmission of heritage
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b) Guiding the children progress

The best position of a teacher in class is as:
(a) Chairman of the group
(b) Director of the group
(c) Member of the group
(d) Umpire of the group
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b) Director of the group

Taking a book of another child without permission creates:
(a) Conflict
(b) Problem
(c) Cooperation
(d) None of the above
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a) Conflict

Teacher plays a role in:
(a) Moral development
(b) Emotional development
(c) Mental development
(d) All of the above
Answer: View Answer

d) All of the above

Which is not the domestic issue:
(a) Mutual clashes of parents
(b) Domestic violence
(c) Child abuse
(d) Clashes with neighbours
Answer: View Answer

d) Clashes with neighbours

What is teaching:
(a) A process of changing behaviour of students
(b) A process of changing views
(c) A process of changing behavior of students in desired directions
(d) It is a process of transmission of knowledge
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c) A process of changing behavior of students in desired directions

What is the first step in a teaching model:
(a) Determination of instructional objectives
(b) Determination of entering behavior
(c) Instructional procedure
(d) Evaluation
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a) Determination of instructional objectives

In teaching if nothing has been learnt, nothing has been:
(a) Studied
(b) Examined
(c) Observed
(d) Taught
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d) Taught

The basic function of a democratic teacher is:
(a) Teaching contents
(b) Outlining rules
(c) Guiding students
(d) Developing student leaders
Answer: View Answer

c) Guiding students

The rules for the classroom should be established by the:
(a) Principal
(b) Principal and teachers
(c) Students
(d) Students and teacher
Answer: View Answer

b) Principal and teachers

The most important function of a teacher is:
(a) Guide pupil growth
(b) Maintain discipline
(c) Impart subject matter
(d) Provide remedial help
Answer: View Answer

a) Guide pupil growth

The least required duty of a teacher is:
(a) Visiting homes of pupils
(b) Disciplining pupils
(c) Keeping records of pupils
(d) Planning courses
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a) Visiting homes of pupils

The students respect the teacher due to his:
(a) Legal authority
(b) Power of grading (marks)
(c) Good will and personal integrity
(d) Parents substitute
Answer: View Answer

c) Good will and personal integrity

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